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anniversary 2024

30 years 
of excellence


Happy birthday EANO

This year we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of EANO. Looking back at the first three decades of the association, we see a society that has successfully brought to life its founding idea of bringing together colleagues from different countries, professional backgrounds and disciplines for the good of patients with tumors of the nervous system.
EANO today is the leading neuro-oncological association in Europe, connects friends and colleagues in the field, drives innovation, and entertains close relationships with its sister societies all over the world. EANO is vibrant and energetic and has a broad and engaged membership with many ideas, plans and initiatives to expand its activities to fulfil its ultimate goal: to improve the lives of our patients and their families. This year´s celebrations mark the successful path of EANO´s developments so far, as well as the exciting future the society is looking forward to.
To mark our 30th birthday, this anniversary website provides an overview of what makes us what we are, what we are proud of and where we are heading!

happy Birthday


Hipp, hipp, hurray! A milestone birthday of course includes birthday wishes, for example from our current committees and the Executive Board.
EANO Youngsters
EANO Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Committee
EANO Publishing Committee
NAC Committee
Matthias Preusser – EANO Past President
Susan Short – EANO President
Michael Platten – EANO Next President
EANO Scientific Committee
EANO Education Committee
Disparity and Inclusion Committee

Leave your congratulations to EANO

What do you wish for the EANO? What do you hope for the future of neuro-oncology?
What do you wish for the EANO? What do you hope for the future of neuro-oncology? Write here in our guestbook, the contributions will be published on this website.

Online guestbook

"Happy birthday @EANOassociation! 🥳🎂Honored to celebrate three decades of scientific excellence and community. Here‘s to many more years of working together to improve the lives of patients with #BrainTumors 🚀🧠"

Maximilian Mair

"EANO celebrates 30th Anniversary. #HappyBirthdayEANO from the Youngsters Committee. 🎉 and looking forward to #EANO24 in Glasgow"

Jan Michael Werner

"It is an honor and a pleasure to have been able to share with you all these years. Congratulations and Thank you!"

Susana Kahl
Rosario (Argentina)

"Felicidades EANO por sus 30 años. Me encantaría puedan organizar un simposio en Centroamérica para que todos podamos tener la oportunidad de asistir"

Pedro Gómez

"Congratulations, EANO from the Disparity and Inclusion Committee. We are incredibly proud of all the achievements members of EANO have accomplished over the last 30 years. These contributions have undoubtedly strengthened the neuro-oncological field, and the efforts in welcoming newcomers as well as retaining seasoned professionals within this scientific network are commendable. Here's to many more years of excellence and innovation!"

Karin Piil
Copenhagen, Denmark

"Congratulations to EANO on its 30th birthday!!!! Wonderful and engaging society! I am proud to be a member and I am looking forward to seeing the bright future of EANO! See you all in Glasgow."

Maciej Mrugala
Phoenix, Arizona

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua."

Vorname Name
EANO in 2024

Facts & figures

EANO has been dedicated to promoting advances in neuro-oncology through innovative research and concerted education and training for 30 years. During this time, there have been numerous developments that we can all be very proud of.
30 years of eano

Changing with the times

The last 30 years have been three decades of continuous development and networking for EANO. We would like to mention some milestones here, without claiming to be exhaustive. Do you have any additions? We look forward to your feedback!


1994    Founding of EANO in Maastricht

EANO was established by formal constitution in Brussels in 1994 by a group of European neuro-oncologists who saw the need to have an official group to promote the role of, and to professionalise, neuro-oncology in Europe.

The idea to form EANO was first proposed in 1990 by G. Hildebrand, L. Salford, P. Krauseneck, J. Darling, B. Müller and A. Twijnstra. In 1992 Peter Krauseneck invited neurooncologists from all over Europe to Pommersfelden (Germany) to prepare the foundations of EANO through the nomination of an Ad Hoc Steering Board. In 1993 G. Hildebrand (Chairman of the Ad Hoc Steering Board) officialised EANO at Brussels with a preliminary bylaw. The first EANO Meeting (organised by A. Twijnstra) was held in Maastricht in 1994, during which 180 of the participants established the Association by formal election. 

Over the following decades, EANO evolved into an internationally leading, vibrant, interdisciplinary and multiprofessional society representing the many faces of European Neuro-Oncology with a multitude of activities and projects aiming at advancing education, research and care for patients affected by tumors of the nervous system.


Founding Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee of EANO has been a core component of the association since its establishment. This committee is responsible for overseeing the scientific direction and ensuring the quality of the educational and research activities conducted by EANO. The EANO Scientific Committee has several specific tasks. These include the organization of the scientific programmes for the EANO's annual meetings, the evaluation and selection of abstracts for presentations, as well as the support and promotion of research initiatives within neuro-oncology. The committee also ensures that high scientific standards are maintained in all EANO activities.


Founding of SNO

The Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) was founded in 1995 by Dr. Victor Levin at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. SNO aims to improve patient care through scientific exchange and the promotion of cutting-edge research. Both EANO and SNO collaborate closely to organize international conferences, publish scientific journals, and set clinical guidelines to enhance the quality of neuro-oncology care worldwide​.

In 2023 EANO enjoyed a fantastic SNO 2023 in Vancouver. After the successful first webinar together with SNO in 2023, there was another joint webinar in 2024, this time on the topic: the scientific highlights of the SNO and EANO conferences from September/November last year.


1st World Conference of Neuro-Oncology Societies

The first World Conference of Neuro-Oncology Societies was held in 2002 in Washington DC. It marked an important event in the field of neuro-oncology, facilitating collaboration among global experts. This conference was a precursor to the establishment of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies (WFNOS) in 2012.

EANO is involved in the organisation of the World Conference of Neuro-Oncology Societies, which have been held also in Edinburgh in 2005, Yokohama in 2009, San Francisco 2013, Zurich in 2017, Seoul and Korea in 2022. The next WFNOS Conference will be 2025 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Some impressions of WFNOS 2017 in Zurich


Founding of ASNO

The first meeting of ASNO was held on November 17-19, 2002, in Kumamoto, Japan, chaired by Dr. Yukitaka Ushio. This foundation was motivated by the need to strengthen the representation of Asian countries within the global neuro-oncology community and to support the newly formed World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies (WFNOS), allowing Asian countries to participate as a unified bloc rather than as individual entities.


Founding of “The IBTA”

The International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) was established in May 2005, the outcome of a multi-stakeholder meeting and agreement at the World Federation of Neuro Oncology conference held in Edinburgh, UK. Today, the IBTA reaches out to people in 109 countries whose lives have been touched by a brain tumor. The mission is to advocate for the best treatments, information, support and quality of life for brain tumour patients, offering them, their families and carers hope – wherever they live in the world.

Since 2008, The IBTA has been represented at almost every EANO conference, enriching the work of EANO as an important part of our network, at EANO in Maastricht in 2010, at EANO in Marseille in 2012, at EANO in Turin in 2014 (in the attached photo I can be seen with other Italian brain tumour patient representatives), in Mannheim-Heidelberg in 2016 and exhibiting at EANO almost every year thereafter.



First joint EORTC-EANO conference

The European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) began its collaboration with the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) in 2009. This partnership aimed to foster advancements in the field of neuro-oncology through combined efforts in research, education, and clinical practice. The first joint EORTC-EANO conference was held in 2009 in Hungary, which set the stage for future collaborative conferences aimed at promoting scientific exchange and improving the management of central nervous system malignancies.



1st EANO Educational Day

After the meeting in Barcelona in 2008, the EANO Board decided on a new format of the “Post Graduate Day” in order to give more attention to Basic Science by involving the Local Organising Committee into the organisation of the now called “Educational Day”. The format was change from a half-day pre-course meeting to a full day also including with a Nurses Session for the first time. This new format was implemented for the first time at the 9th Meeting of EANO in 2010 held in Maastricht, The Netherlands. The Educational Day exists till this day and is now organized in collaboration with the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Brain Tumor Group.


Establishing Youngsters Committee

The Youngsters Committee of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) was established in 2012 and formalised in 2018. This committee aims to provide a platform for networking, interaction, and collaboration among young scientists and clinicians with a special interest in neuro-oncology. It organizes various activities, including educational programmes and mentoring sessions, to enhance the involvement of young members within the EANO.

EANO recognizes that the future of the society lies with the next generation. Therefore, EANO is focusing on the provision of career opportunities, training, and mentoring of young society members. Together with the Youngsters Committee, the EANO leadership has developed initiatives such as Youngsters Journal Club, networking events, mentorship programmes, dedicated sessions and workshops at the annual conference. In recent years, EANO has succeeded in building an active and vibrant community of early-career investigators from various specialties and professions.


 1st Guideline of EANO

In 2014, the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) released its first comprehensive guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of anaplastic gliomas and glioblastoma. This guideline was developed to standardise the clinical management of these aggressive brain tumors across Europe, incorporating the latest research and clinical practices.

EANO guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of anaplastic gliomas and glioblastoma. Michael Weller , Martin van den Bent, Kirsten Hopkins, Jörg C Tonn, Roger Stupp, Andrea Falini, Elizabeth Cohen-Jonathan-Moyal, Didier Frappaz, Roger Henriksson, Carmen Balana, Olivier Chinot, Zvi Ram, Guido Reifenberger, Riccardo Soffietti, for the European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO) Task Force on Malignant Glioma. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25079102/


1st EANO Winter School

The first Winter School of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) took place in January 2015 in the municipality of St. Christoph am Arlberg, Austria. It is organized in collaboration between the Educational and Youngsters Committee.

This event provided a unique opportunity for young neuro-oncologists to further their education in an intensive and interactive learning environment. The Winter School included a variety of activities, such as lectures, case discussions, and interactive workshops led by leading experts in the field of neuro-oncology. The aim was to equip participants with up-to-date knowledge and practical skills that they could apply in their clinical practice.

Additionally, the Winter School served as a platform for networking and the exchange of experiences and ideas among participants, promoting collaborations and strengthening the neuro-oncology community.


Networking with EORTC and EANS

The annual conference “Research into Brain Metastases and new Therapies” was held for the first time under the auspices of EORTC, EANO and EANS. Also the French Neuro-Oncology Group (ANOCEF) and the French Society of Neuro-Surgery are partners of this event.  For this sixth edition, a special session was dedicated to Brain Metastases management guidelines reported by the EANO Brain Metastases task force. The 12th edition is now called “Brain Metastases Research and Emerging Therapy Conference” and will take place from 9-11 October 2024 in Paris.


Founding of SNOSSA

The Sub-Saharan Africa Neuro-Oncology Collaborative (SNOSSA) was founded in 2017. SNOSSA is an initiative aimed at improving the care and outcomes for patients with brain and spinal cord tumors in sub-Saharan Africa through collaborative research, education, and clinical care efforts. The organization brings together neuro-oncology professionals from across the region and beyond to address the unique challenges faced in this area and to promote advancements in neuro-oncology in sub-Saharan Africa. SNOSSA continues to partner with sister organizations such as the Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO), European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) and the Society for Neuro-Oncology Latin America (SNOLA) as well as the International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA).

In 2023, EANO participated in the Society for Neuro-Oncology Sub-Saharan Africa conference in Nairobi, Kenya. Fantastic that we were part of this very successful SNOSSA2023 with colleagues and friends from the Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO).


Founding Publishing Activity Committee

The Committee for Publishing Activity supports the Executive Board of EANO and consists of editors that represent EANO in the following journals: Neuro-Oncology, Neuro-Oncology Practice and Neuro-Oncology Advances. All these journals are published by Oxford University Press (OUP).

The flagship journal Neuro-Oncology is owned by the US partner of EANO, the Society of Neuro-Oncology (SNO), with EANO as a minority shareholder. Furthermore, Neuro-Oncology is the official journal of the SNO, the Japan Society for Neuro-Oncology (JSNO), the EANO, and the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies (WFNOS).

The main tasks of the committee are to ensure scientific representation and strategic orientation of EANO in these journals, providing a link between EANO and the journal publisher, and promote the publication activities within the EANO membership. 

The committee consists of the editors (Associate Editors, Executive Editors, and possibly Editor-in-Chief) in various publication sectors, the President, the Treasurer, and the Past President.


From biennial to annual meetings

EANO’s conferences have been bringing together colleagues from all professions and disciplines involved in research on and care for patients with tumors of the nervous system since the inauguration of the association. Initially, these were biennial scientific meetings: Maastricht 1994, Würzburg 1996, Versailles 1998, Copenhagen 2000, Florence 2002, Vienna 2006, Barcelona 2008, Maastricht 2010, Marseille 2012, Turin 2014, and Mannheim/Heidelberg 2016.

To reflect the dynamic evolution of our field, EANO has more recently moved to annual meetings starting with Stockholm 2018 and Lyon 2019. The 2020 event had to be cancelled, and 2021 was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The association then continued with Vienna 2022 and Rotterdam 2023. The next stop is Glasgow in October 2024, for our 30th Anniversary.


Founding Educational Committee

The Educational Committee of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) was founded in 2018. This committee was established to enhance the educational activities within the organization and to ensure the dissemination of high-quality educational content in the field of neuro-oncology. The creation of the Educational Committee was a response to the growing need for structured educational programs and resources for professionals involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and research of central nervous system tumors.

The committee plays a pivotal role in organizing educational days at EANO meetings, developing webinars, and coordinating mentorship programs. These activities aim to provide up-to-date knowledge and training to neuro-oncology professionals, thereby improving patient care and fostering the development of new treatment approaches through collaborative learning and research​.


From Brussels to Vienna

In 2019, EANO moved its place of registration from Brussels, Belgium, to Vienna, Austria.


EANO Summer School

The EANO Summer School 2019 on „Essential (molecular) neuropathology for neuro-oncologists“ took place at the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus in Berlin on July 25th – 27th, 2019. Endorsed by the European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies (EURO-CNS), the programme aimed to provide an overview on established molecular markers and future perspectives in the field.


Founding Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Committee

EANO aims to elevate the significance of multidisciplinarity in the field of neuro-oncology. Nurses and allied healthcare professionals have been actively integrated into the society, with their own track at the educational day, and since 2021, with the Nurse and Allied Health Professional Committee.

The Nurse/AHP Committee concentrate its activities  to increase the neuro-oncology nurses/AHP community within EANO.
The NAC suggests and discusses new initiatives and ideas on how achieve committee aims, such as involving nurses and AHP in EANO activities, clinical and quality development projects, and research.

The committee also plans and organises a track at the educational day during the EANO Meetings, along with potential side-meetings for nurses/AHP. It facilitates EANO webinars, supports the involvement of nurses/AHPs in mentorship programmes, liaises with other committees, identifies candidates for EANO prizes/awards, discusses the content of  EANO website, and participates actively  in EANO’s social media strategy.

Impressions of NAC at EANO 2022 and 2023


1st EANO School of Neuro-Oncology

EANO supports networking and knowledge exchange among its members and associates. To further develop these activities, EANO has recently decided to increase more formal educational opportunities and has developed a dedicated training programme, the EANO School of Neuro-Oncology. This School aims to provide education on all aspects of neuro-oncology, including basic science, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of all neuro-oncology conditions for adults and children.

Additionally, it provides updates on rehabilitation and supportive care, addresses end-of-life care, and emphasizes research to inform aspiring healthcare professionals and basic scientists planning a career in the field. The EANO School of Neuro-Oncology is a comprehensive, high level, postgraduate, in-depth 2-year virtual programme covering 7 weekends (one every 2-3 months) over a period of 2 years (first edition: 2022/2024) and will shortly be expanded to include short-term educational visits to established neuro-oncology centers for attendees.

Impressions of WFNOS 2005 in Edinburgh


1st EANO Youngsters Journal Club

At the end of 2023, EANO launched the EANO Youngsters Journal Club, a brand new webinar format aimed at young professionals. In the dynamic field of neuro-oncology, it is important to stay informed and connected. That's why our Youngsters have developed this innovative platform to share and discuss current research articles from basic research to clinical trials.

At regular intervals, the Youngsters invite all interested to a session via Zoom. The exchange of current insights into neuro-oncology, fresh information offers the opportunity to discuss the latest findings with authors and leading experts in the field.


1st EANO Seminars

In recent years, EANO has organised regular webinars and targeted training events (‘EANO Winter School’) and is currently running the series ‘EANO Seminars: Foundations in Neuro-Oncology’ series, the first edition of which took place in Warsaw, Poland, in March 2024.


Founding CBI – Career Boost Initiative

EANO establishes a new initiative called Career Boost Initiative (CBI). It is targeted to professionals in neuro-oncology aspiring to achieve independent clinical or research positions. Kick off will be at EANO 2024 on Friday, October 18th. Leadership Skills Session: Current leaders in the field will share their invaluable tips and tricks to help advance in your career. Knowledge Forum: Engage in casual, yet insightful discussions with peers, share experiences, seek collaborations, and learn from seasoned experts. Social Event: Unwind and connect with fellow professionals on Friday night!


The 30th anniversary of EANO

Today, EANO has over 700 members from more than 70 countries, both in Europe and abroad. EANO is well-connected to national and international societies and proud to contribute to joint efforts to advance neuro-oncology worldwide in collaborations with the Society of Neuro-Oncology (SNO), the Asian Society of Neuro-Oncology (ASNO), the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), and many other national and international medical and research organisations.


Joint efforts for EANO

Founders & presidents

It all began with a meeting of an ambitious group of European neuro-oncologists who saw the need to promote and professionalize neuro-oncology in Europe through its own medical association. Chairman G. Hildebrand, Vice-Chairman L. Salford, P. Krauseneck, Albert Twijnstra, B. Muller and others were part of the preparatory committee for the foundation of EANO.
Jerzy (George) Hildebrand
President 1994-1996
Leif G. Salford
President 1996-1998
Michael Brada
President 1998-2000
Jean Yves Delattre
President 2000-2002
Carmine Carapella
President 2002-2005
Francesc Graus
President 2005-2008
Robin Grant
President 2008-2010
Wolfgang Grisold
President 2010-2012
Riccardo Soffietti
President 2012-2014
Michael Weller
President 2014-2016
Wolfgang Wick
President 2016-2018
Martin van den Bent
President 2018-2020
Matthias Preusser
President 2020-2022
Susan Short
President 2022-2024

Past Meetings

Consequently, over the years the comprehensive program of the EANO conference is becoming the meeting of reference for those working both at the laboratory bench and/or at the bedside of patients affected with CNS tumors.
EANO Maastricht 1994
EANO Würzburg 1996
EANO Versailles 1998
EANO Copenhagen 2000
EANO Vienna 2006
EANO Barcelona 2008
EANO Maastricht 2010
EANO Turin 2014
EANO Mannheim/Heidelberg 2016
EANO Stockholm 2018
EANO Lyon 2019
EANO Glasgow 2020
EANO Vienna 2022
EANO Rotterdam 2023

about the conferences

EANO’s conferences have been bringing together colleagues from all professions and disciplines involved in research on and care for patients with tumors of the nervous system since the inauguration of the association. Initially, these were biennial scientific meetings: Maastricht 1994, Würzburg 1996, Versailles 1998, Copenhagen 2000, Florence 2002, Vienna 2006, Barcelona 2008, Maastricht 2010, Marseille 2012, Turin 2014, and Mannheim/Heidelberg 2016.
To reflect the dynamic evolution of our field, we have more recently moved to annual meetings starting with Stockholm 2018 and Lyon 2019. Our 2020 event had to be cancelled and 2021 held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic; we then continued with Vienna 2022 and Rotterdam 2023. We are in Glasgow in October 2024, for our 30th Anniversary. 
The EANO conferences feature a program rich in educational content (including a dedicated Educational Day prior to the start of the main meeting) as well as basic, translational, and clinical research from all fields of Neuro-Oncology. They attract a large number of participants from various disciplines, with a record of >1000 attendees having been achieved for the first time in Rotterdam in 2023. Consequently, over the years the comprehensive program of the EANO conference is becoming the meeting of reference for those working both at the laboratory bench and/or at the bedside of patients affected with CNS tumors.

Impressions of #EANO2012

Impressions of #EANO2018

Impressions of #EANO2019

Impressions of #EANO2022

Impressions of #EANO2023


Growing Network

EANO is well connected to national and international societies and proud to contribute to joint efforts to advance Neuro-Oncology world-wide in collaborations with the Society of Neuro-Oncology (SNO), the Asian Society of Neuro-Oncology (ASNO), the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), and many other national and international medical and research organizations. EANO also maintains close relationships with various patient organizations to address brain tumor issues, including brain cancer. This collaboration aims to enhance patient care and support while raising awareness of neuro-oncological diseases.

Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology (ASNO)

EANO works with ASNO to foster international collaboration in neuro-oncology research and education, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practices between Europe and Asia

European Academy of Neurology (EAN)

EANO works with EAN on various initiatives, including the preparation of joint guidelines and conducting joint educational activities

European Network for Rare Adult Solid Cancers (EURACAN)

This network is involved in creating guidelines and research projects focusing on rare central nervous system tumors

European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS)

EANO works with EONS to support the role of oncology nurses in neuro-oncology care, promoting education, research, and best practices to enhance patient care and outcomes

European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)

EANO collaborates with EORTC on various research projects and clinical trials aimed at improving the outcomes for patients with brain tumors

European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)

This collaboration focuses on creating clinical practice guidelines, such as those for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of leptomeningeal metastasis from solid tumors

European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO)

EANO collaborates with ESTRO to advance the field of radiotherapy in neuro-oncology, developing guidelines, and promoting research and educational initiatives focused on radiotherapy for brain and spinal cord tumors

Society of Neuro-Oncology (SNO)

EANO collaborates closely with SNO, particularly in the development of joint guidelines and organizing scientific events such as conferences and webinars

Society for Neuro-Oncology Sub-Saharan Africa (SNOSSA)

EANO collaborates with SNOSSA to address neuro-oncology challenges specific to the Sub-Saharan region, promoting research, education, and clinical practice improvements tailored to the needs of this area

Patient care networking

EANO is creating and disseminating clinical guidelines, which are developed in collaboration with patient organisations to ensure that patient care is based on the latest evidence and practice and that patients' needs are taken into account.
EANO works closely with patient organisations such as the International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) and other European and international groups. These collaborations involve joint projects, information exchange, and the development of guidelines and standards for the treatment and support of patients with brain tumors. Patient representatives and organisations are invited to the regular conferences and meetings to present their views and needs. This promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience between medical professionals and patient organisations.

International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)

The International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) was founded by Kathy Oliver. She established the organization in 2005 to create a global network for brain tumor patient groups and those involved in neuro-oncology, aiming to improve patient care and advocate for equitable access to treatments and support worldwide

Sources and further links

Preusser M, Platten M, Short SC. Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO). Neuro Oncol. 2024 Mar 2:noae039. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noae039. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38430930.
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